Cinema shapes the way that queer stories are told and remembered—in honor of the many fantastic films about queerness that are released every year, here are our picks of the top five LGBTQIA+ movies that will make you laugh, cry, and feel everything in between: with our assessment of what item in our collections most accurately captures the beautiful stories represented in these rare narratives.

1.Red, White&Royal Blue

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Gay romcoms have been in demand forever, and we finally get one in the form of a political, fake-dating romance between the Prince of England and the First Son of the United States. We’d highly recommend this to anyone looking for something nice and trashy to laugh about—but on the critical scale, it’s a solid 3 out of 5 stars. For its unabashed portrayal of queer love, we would assign it the Triangel Heart Shaped earrings. Simple, elegant, and sweet.

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Though not explicitly a queer film, it’s no less overt in the way that it implies a queerness between tennis and love rivals Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig and their curious relationship with superstar Tashi Duncan. Following the back-and-forth of their connection through the trials and tribulations of their favorite sport and shared love interest, the movie perfectly depicts the struggles people face when developing connections, regardless of gender and sexuality. For those who love a little fun, this is the perfect 4/5 movie for you. Perhaps as a homage to Tashi’s bright, elegant style, we would assign this movie to RADIANCE’S Flowing Ribbon Pearl Necklace.

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Loser lesbians on a quest to find romance—who doesn’t love a premise that accurately represents the struggles of the modern pursuit of love? This movie is an absolute riot from beginning to end, executing some of the most ridiculous plotlines with the best finesse you’ll see no thanks to stellar performances by Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri. Though not our pick for critical acclaim, it’s no less than a 3/5 movie perfect for those looking for a little chaotic fun. Its whimsical brilliance makes it the best fit for the Triangel Thorn Earrings, which we’re sure main characters Josie and PJ would be happy to wear to enhance their style. 

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4.Call Me By Your Name

One thing about Luca Guadagnino is that he’ll always be happy to write a queer-themed movie—this is just another one of his works that dive into such themes without hesitation. As a cult classic for some, or a source of frustration for others, Call Me By Your Name is a film that divides; yet, it still makes its mark in the hall of fame as one of the most infamously discussed films on social media platforms. For people who want to look a little further than the surface, the film is a solid 4/5 stars, depicting the faults and follies of a dangerously whirlwind young love. For that, we think the film should be assigned the Core Memory Black Onyx Earrings as it represents one of those experiences you should hold close to your heart. 

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One of the more serious films on this list, Monster is a quiet, solemn depiction of queerness in one of the most formative periods of a child’s life—but also a jarring look into how isolation can be a driving factor for great tragedies. Winner of many different awards at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, it’s a narrative that speaks to many in its realism and the way it gets at the heart of many real issues that queer people struggle through. It’s a 5/5 movie without the perfect optimal demographic to recommend; it’s shockingly beautiful no matter what perspective you view it from. Its brutal honesty and delicate narrative make it the best fit for the Jupiter Stellar Radiance Ring.

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