The topic of gay marriage around the world is still—in this day and age—a controversial one. Even with the queer movement having proceeded very far in some countries, with Thailand voting to legalize gay marriage only just this June, some other countries may face pushback due to their much more conservative views on the matter. In this article, we aim to look at a few examples of the fight for gay marriage in different countries across different times to provide an analysis on how we proceed towards equality for all at this very point in history.prowess.

Though Australia has legalized gay marriage since December of 2017, the country’s attitude towards the matter has not always been so positive. Back in 2016, one Reddit user posted about a statistic on the forum “r/australia” highlighting that though two-thirds of Australian citizens remarked that they supported gay marriage, the country had still done nothing to help legalize it due to a fear for their jobs, in case any conservative pushback were to be blown out of proportion. Many commenters on this post remarked rather pessimistically that the country’s political system was broken and lamented the state of their society. Yet only around a year later, after The Marriage Amendment Act was introduced by the openly gay Senator Dean Smith, the country finally took its first major step in redefining “marriage” to legally represent the union between “2 people.” This lack of specification of gender was monumental in allowing gay people to openly celebrate their relationships and make things official under the legal label of marriage. This specific case study in Australia provides hope that though governments may seem unwilling to address such issues now, the efforts of queer activists and politicians will not be ignored—the fruits of their labor do, have, and will pay off for years to come in the future.

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