Dachshund necklace, platinum plating, sterling silver

Dachshund Necklace

Price: $29.99
Material: sterling silver
Finishing: platinum plating
Weight: 4.5g

Dachshund ring, platinum plating, sterling silver

Dachshund Rings

Price: $29.99
Material: sterling silver
Finishing: platinum plating
Weight: 1.7g

Dachshund earrings, platinum plating, sterling silver

Dachshund Earrings

Price: $29.99
Material: sterling silver
Finishing: platinum plating
Weight: 2g

Alex's Family

Story of Chocolate

In Loyal Companions series, designer Alex and his lover co-create a heartwarming and touching story. Unable to have children, the couple decides to enrich their lives in a unique way—they adopt an adorable Dachshund named Chocolate.

Chocolate quickly becomes an inseparable part of their lives, injecting endless laughter and warmth into their home. Through this series, Alex, inspired by Chocolate, convey the warmth of family and their deep appreciation for each other's feelings. Wearing these Dachshund accessories is like carrying the love of this family, constantly feeling the warmth and endless happiness.

Dachshund ring, platinum plating, sterling silver