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Coupons & Codes

How can I get coupons & codes?
  • You can get a 10% discount code by subscribing or registering as our member.
  • Follow our official social media accounts for occasional activities to earn coupons.
  • Keep an eye on the widget at the bottom right of the webpage to earn points for coupon redemption through our reward program.
How do I use coupons & codes?
  • Simply enter the discount code at the checkout page to redeem.
Can coupons & codes be combined with other discounts?
  • No, coupons & codes cannot be combined with other discount activities. For simplicity and consistency, currently, our coupons & codes cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts. This helps to make the shopping process clearer and smoother. Thank you for your understanding!
Will I get a refund for coupons & codes when I request a refund or return?
  • For refunds or returns due to shipping or merchant issues, please contact our support team for coupon reimbursement.

Product Selection

What types of jewelry do you offer?
  • We primarily offer rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets with other options available.
Can I request custom jewelry?
  • Yes, we welcome customization. Contact our official team for details.
How to choose a proper size?
  • All products of Free Note Collection is adjustable. All you need to do is to adjust the position of the positioning ball on the end of our charm chain. Details and be found here.

Purchasing & Payment

How can I place an order?
  • Select your preferred items, add them to your cart, and complete the order steps on our website.
What payment options are available?
  • We currently accept American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, PayPal, Shop Pay, UnionPay and Visa.
How can I cancel my order?/What if I receive the wrong product?

Order & Shipping

How much will shipping cost?
  • All orders are free shipping with standard shipping service.
  • We also provide expedited shipping service at a cost of $19.
How long will it take to receive my order?
  • Generally, we process orders within 1 to 3 business days. Once shipped, expect delivery within 5 to 10 business days.
  • With the expedited shipping service, the estimated delivery time is 3-5 business day.
How do I track my order?
Do you ship internationally?
  • For now, we ship to following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay,
  • Additional countries will be added soon.
I never got my order, what to do?
  • Please ensure the payment is made successfu, then track your order via the order confirming email or OLUV tracking page.
  • Or you can just contact us directly at

Exchange & Return

What is your 3-Day No-Reason Return?
  • We understand that assessing a product's fit to your expectations is challenging until you physically receive it. To ensure your satisfaction, we allow hassle-free returns within the first 3 days of receiving the product. If the item doesn't suit your style or expectations, you can confidently return it without any extra fees.
  • Please check the details here.
What is your return policy?
  • We do have Return&Refund Policy.Please kindly check our return/refund/exchange policy here.